Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011


              SEA HORSE

           People think that the sea horse is a horse lived in the sea. In fact does not, the sea horse is a tiny little shape of his head like a horse’s head. Habitat of sea horse in the warm sea.            
            She horse have an elongated body, having a flexible tail that helps them to wrapping or protect them from the weeds. They swim in the upright position and supported with rapidly oscillating on their backs.            
            Sea horse reproduction procces is very uniqe. Beginning with the dance of the males to attract females to mate with her. They perform a dance while swimming revolve around the female. And At the end the procces of mating the male bent in order that female to lay it eggs in a pouch on the male. After putting her eggs on the males’s pouch directly close the pocket. The female immediately left the eggs with the male.                   
            It took one month to hatch the eggs. After hatching, baby sea horse removed from the pocket. And they it small fish which is inhaled by mouth.

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